About Me

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sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Spreading Follower Love for Christmas- NARS Danmari Palette Giveaway! (a giveaway by other blogger)

yay, another blog post for today.. haha.. ok, i didn't host this giveaway yah. so, don't get confused coz this is actually a giveaway that hosted by one of the blogger that i followed via GFC.. it's so amazing to have this kinda opportunity to win an awesome prize like this one.. for more info,just check out her blog on http://confessionsofabeauty-holic.blogspot.com/2011/12/spreading-follower-love-for-christmas.html
that's all for now.. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi love,

    Thanks for following, followed u back =)

    Btw, I'm having a lil' giveaway

    Do join if u're keen...

