About Me

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sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 greetings.. :)

hye y'll.. first of all, just wanna wish everyone a very happy new year.. well,yeah it's already 5th january but i'm guessing everybody still in the mood of new year right? ;D anyways,how's your christmas & new year celebration? mine was the very best holidays i've ever had coz, guess what? i'm engaged.. super HORREY!!! whoop whoop!! haha.. it was held on 26th december ago and i still can't believe i'm in this relationship status now.. the ceremony kinda simple and only close family members were there, yet we having such much fun.. we officially decided to put the ring on after more than 4 years we've been together.. arrrggrhh, we're so in love with each other and can't wait to tie the knot soon.. ;) sooo, for this year resolution, i'm gonna need an extra paper to write on coz it will gonna be one of the craziest year ever.. first things first, drop my body weight. losing 10 kgs before the big day would mean the world to me. haha.. actually, i kept on putting this resolution in my must-do list for the past 5 years ago but this year, IT'S A COMPULSORY!!! i obviously don't wanna look like Princess Fiona body shape on her wedding with Shrek.. teehee.. gonna stick a bunch of motivation quote in my mirror desk for that and lets see if it's helping or what.. the second resolution would be doing an extra money saving.. yes, i can do this like no problem at all.. but owh, btw i'm planning to purchase more online make up and getting a brand new car since i've already got my driving licence a year ago but i barely know how to start a car engine.. so,u tell me if i can make this second resolution come true or not? phewww.. :)

ok, i think that's all for now.. owh, yeah.. my sister just delivered her Thea Noela Geofrey last 25th december. the baby is sssupppeerr cute and i'm so glad she made it without any other complication throughout the delivery.. proud of her and i wish them all the best.. andddd of course,welcome to parenthood!! haha.. ok, i'm gonna end this. TTFN , people.. ^.^v

yeah, a picture of me and my boo if u wondering.. :)


  1. Congratulations on your engagement! What a great way to end the year!


  2. haha,yup it was an awesome occasion indeed.. :) thanks for dropping by and leaving that sweet comment.. :)
