About Me

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sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

post-wedding mood~~~

hello people..

so, i've been away to my hometown since last tuesday till monday of this week for my sister's big day.. i enjoyed every single moment throughout the week like i didn't have much time to spent with my family.. speaking about the wedding,what else can i say, it was a SUPER BLAST..everything went just perfect especially her white wedding gown and that white bridal veil AND superb smooky make-up AND gorgeous pair of white shoes AND a bouquet of red+pink roses.the ceremony also ran according to plan..yes,Thanks God..if you ever heard of people saying "the bride will look extra beauty on her wedding day",well i guess i'm in to it..my sister does look prettier despite of her make-up. there was something beauty from the inner side shown on her face..hurrmm, i just can't explain more how she looks like. just wait till your closest female members got married, and spot the difference that i meant.. ok, what am i mumbling now.HAHA..

time pass extremely fast like i could not imagine..we grown up like just in a single blink and now, she is officially married. i'm soooo happy to see finally she has spoke the wedding vow in front of the priest at church... i nearly got my tears out when she pronounced the vow but saved by the make-up.. i'm affraid my make-up will melt coz of tears. so,thats stop me from crying. haha.. hey,who wanna see the maid of honour looks like a zombie on the wedding day? :)  anyway, i just hope for the best for both of them till forever.. anddd hopefully more nieces/nephews next year. haha.. i captured a lots of beautiful pose of her (and me..haha :p) but i only gonna post few of them..more pictures on my facebook..

waiting for my cousin to say, "ok,u can go out now.your husband is waiting for u inside".. :)

turn back pose, in front of the altar..

my favourite of all..aren't this cute? :)

did i forgot to mention their name? haha,certainly clear now..

it's me..tadaaaa.. haha.. i borrowed my sisters bouquet.. :) my turn will be coming soon. teehee..

ok,i think thats all for now.TTFN ^.^v

p/s: will be blogging more often.finger cross.. :)


  1. Looks like a beautiful wedding!


  2. awww,thanks for the comment..haha..yup,it was.. :)
