About Me

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sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

my favourite movie so far..

evening,people..ok,yeah i've been m.i.a for the last like more than a week with no reason..hooh..hurmm,i guess i'm really a sucky blogger.. :( anyway,today i don't feel like doing anything..wuhuu hu,wuhuu hu..haha,what actually am i doing? @.@ i just can't get rid of this bruno mars song away from my head.sorryy.. :) ok,lets do this seriously..today i'm gonna post something about my faveyy movie so far..its the LEAP YEAR..have u ever heard about this movie before?well,if u haven't,it's actually a super romantic comedy kind of movie with superb actor&actress plus i bet you will definitely love the soundtrack..it is mostly filmed in Ireland and that's pumping my motivation up high to go to those places..arghh..you can read more about this movie at this site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_Year_(2010_film) since i'm not really good doing explanation in english..tiihee :p so,i've youtubed the soundtrack and i'm extremely excited coz i've found 4 videos related with the movie that has been posted by sumiregusa23.. (thanks sooo much dude :) )..music performed by Randy Edelman..so,as your command,of course i will re-post it here so that everybody who has visit this blog can enjoy this calm and relaxing music..ok,here we goes.. :) the music title are according to track below..

1. Anna's Theme,
2. Ballycarbery Castle
3. Stirring the Pot,
4. An Early Sunrise.

1. A Leap Year Promise,
2. Stoney Road to Dublin,
3. Crossroads
4. Cozy Quartet.

1. Faddle Fiddle,
2. Arrival In the Big Bad City,
3. V.O. Lyle, 
4. Love and Warmth O'er Yonder,
5. A Stinging Truth,
6. Right Time Wrong Guy
7. Offering the Claddagh Ring.

1. Declan's walk,
2. The crossbow, 3. A father's wish,
4. Settling the Bill.

so,what do you think about the soundtrack above?pretty awesome,right.. :) and you know what,the movie is awesomer..(do we really have this word? haha)..try to watch it.and you are most welcome to share your opinion..ok,that's all for now..and,ow almost forgot.for the owner of these videos,hope i didn't broke any copyright of yours..sorryyyy..see ya..TTFN ^.^v 

p/s: i've joined my own blog..how to undo that?miserable.. =.=

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