About Me

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sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

traditional Kadazan costume!!!

hello there..i'm back again. :) well holidays are not actual done yet coz everbody still enjoying their holidays while today is a working day for me.. :s so i called it friday bluess coz i'm not actually in a mood of working.haha..btw,i had a great time with my family while i'm off to my hometown last week.it was a blast.pluss we did celebrate my 2nd brother wedding reception at our house.yayy!!but its a bit late to celebrate in groom side due to some probs coz the actual wedding was about 8months ago..a wedding on the groom side often called 'babad' in my mother tongue.since we are Paparian (people lives/from a small town called Papar in Sabah,Malaysia) my family and i wore our traditional Kadazan costume while the family of the bride which from Penampang (also in Sabah) wore their's.they are Kadazan also..u see,there are diffrences between our race based on where we come from although we share the same title.the most common are from our language and the design of our traditional costume except for the men...anway,since i'm not really good in english,its quite hard for me to explain more about our race.. :( super sorrryyy,peeps..but here are some pictures that i manage cought on the babad celebration.. :)

the costume that my sisters wore (2 ladies from left) are the official costume for Kadazan Papar and the rest of them are from Penampang..ow,my 2nd brother is the man with the special hat at the center.. :)

me wearing our traditional costume.it was not the complete sets coz i suppose to wear our special hat which called 'sirung'..if u can see,there are 3 belts made from stainless steel+aluminum (if i'm not mistaken) that i wore almost throughout the babad.it was sooo heavy like i couldnt stand up.the belts also known as 'limpogot' and some says 'rupiah'..but its worth wearing this coz we only have the opportunity to wear our traditional costume for special events such as wedding and Pesta Kaamatan/Harvest Festival.there are rules of wearing the limpogot actually (based on what the woman who lend us the costumes says)..if u wear only 1 limpogot,thats mean you're widow..2 limpogots means you're married..and 3 limpogots means you're not-yet-married..thats why i wore 3 of 'em.. :)

ok thats all for now.wanna know more about this post or maybe our race&tradition?just leave a comment and i'll try to reply with better explanation.. :) by then,TTFN ^.^v


  1. Hey, great info. I'm half kadazan :P as well and residing in Brunei. It's nice to hear from a fellow kadazan!

    1. owh,hye there..thanks for dropping by.yeah,it's great to get a respond from other Kadazan as well.. :)
