About Me

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sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

music videos,please!!

evening again people!! how's your day so far? well,mine just went good enough according to plan..thanks Lord for that.. :) anyway,i just found out how to post a video into this blog. it's been sooooo long i've been trying sooooo hard to find the way to do so,and now i'm on it..YAYYY!!! quite frustrating at the beginning but when i made it,it's like i can see the lights of heaven up there with the angels voices.haha..so,for that,i'm gonna post a couple of videos that i found so great from youtube..they actually my favourite songs so far..
so,here we goes:

top ranking: Adele - someone like you.

at the first time i heard this song, i cried..this song actually means a lot for me..i've been hooked by a guy some years ago,unfortunately he has married now with someone else..it took awhile to forget this guy but soon i realize i should't kept any love feelings to a woman's husband..i just hope for the best for him and his growing family,as well as mine soon.. :( plus,hey!! adele's vocal is so unique like no one others have the same voice like her.great song with superb lyrics..11 thumbs up out of 10..

2nd top ranking: The Band Perry - If i die young

if your age are 20 and above,i'm pretty sure most of you know someone who has died in their early age. my godmother has gone,my grandpa just left us almost a year ago and just now my mom said my cousin who i barely know has died last friday after fighting with a cancer for quite a long time..literally,death is full of sadness yet releasing someone to somewhere apart from this world..God bless who has died before us.. :(

soo,i think that's all for now..just 2 videos at the moment. if u can see,i purposely didn't put the original video clip coz the lyrics on screen gives you more understanding of the song anddd yeah,sing along!!!..by the way,hope i didn't broke any copyright by posting this videos in my blog..Sorryyyy!!! TTFN.. ^.^v

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