About Me

My photo
sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

12 days later.. :)

hello people.. yeah,after 12 days i didn't blog anything. actually i didn't know what to blog about.. plus,i'm quite busy like i should need an extra super working hands to help me done my routine job.. :( *sigh* and as a double pluss, i'm away from the town for the past 5 days ago.. yeah, it's an outstation. 2 schools in a row in just 5 days.. the schools were an approximately almost 70km away with super stony holey gravel estate road.. an outstation in this industry means lack of network coverage connectivity + lack of clean water supply + no lappy + far-far away from my not-so-soft but definitely soo-comfort mattress.. owh, i just miss this things sooo damn much throughout the days.. but sometimes, i just love being outside of the workplace for a while. it would be the best opportunity to lay back and relax.. we've been through such a great journey though. we'd encounter with wild bore, giant lizard, and cutey little turtle (which jovi, my colleague already took it to her house).. i did brought  along my canon but  we just don't have enough time to take any best pictures.. yeah, you know, it's a work travel, not a vacay.. :( anyway, i'm scheduled for an outstation 2 weeks further.. sooo,this time, i'm planing to take as much great photos as i may..YAYYY!! haha.. ok,since i'm totally exhausted, i'm gonna leave you guys for now.. good night and have a great dreams,people.. TTFN  ^.^v

Sunday, September 11, 2011

music videos,please!!

evening again people!! how's your day so far? well,mine just went good enough according to plan..thanks Lord for that.. :) anyway,i just found out how to post a video into this blog. it's been sooooo long i've been trying sooooo hard to find the way to do so,and now i'm on it..YAYYY!!! quite frustrating at the beginning but when i made it,it's like i can see the lights of heaven up there with the angels voices.haha..so,for that,i'm gonna post a couple of videos that i found so great from youtube..they actually my favourite songs so far..
so,here we goes:

top ranking: Adele - someone like you.

at the first time i heard this song, i cried..this song actually means a lot for me..i've been hooked by a guy some years ago,unfortunately he has married now with someone else..it took awhile to forget this guy but soon i realize i should't kept any love feelings to a woman's husband..i just hope for the best for him and his growing family,as well as mine soon.. :( plus,hey!! adele's vocal is so unique like no one others have the same voice like her.great song with superb lyrics..11 thumbs up out of 10..

2nd top ranking: The Band Perry - If i die young

if your age are 20 and above,i'm pretty sure most of you know someone who has died in their early age. my godmother has gone,my grandpa just left us almost a year ago and just now my mom said my cousin who i barely know has died last friday after fighting with a cancer for quite a long time..literally,death is full of sadness yet releasing someone to somewhere apart from this world..God bless who has died before us.. :(

soo,i think that's all for now..just 2 videos at the moment. if u can see,i purposely didn't put the original video clip coz the lyrics on screen gives you more understanding of the song anddd yeah,sing along!!!..by the way,hope i didn't broke any copyright by posting this videos in my blog..Sorryyyy!!! TTFN.. ^.^v

Sunday, September 4, 2011

my favourite traditional cuisine..

Evening everyone..ow,if you reading this at morning or noon,just ignore the wish.. :) anyway,how are u doing people?hopefully everything went well..for this post,i'll introduce you my favourite and our most common traditional cuisine which is 'Hinava'.literally,i should post this earlier but who cares anyway right?.. :) for those who haven't tried or freaking lost with this cuisine,well its time to get know of it and i'll try to teach you how to prepare it by yourself..Hinava is actually a marinated chopped boneless fresh fish such as mackerel..we usually marinate it with lime juice together with salt and some hot chillies but now-a-days Hinava can also be added with edible gourd and dried anchovies,like my mom&dad always done..and the taste is like super yummmmmyyyyy!!!! *drools* okey,now i'm gonna teach you (not exactly teaching :) ) how to prepare Hinava by yourself.don't worry,the method is soooo easy like even a 9 year kiddos can also prepared it and the ingredients are also easy to find..

all u have to have are: (note: the measurement is just an approximately.you can reduce/increase the amount of it based on what you taste great)

1. 200g evenly chopped fresh boneless mackerel
2. 400ml seedless lime juice
3. 5 fresh hot chillies
4. full teaspoon of salt
*5. 100g thin and evenly sliced gourd
*6. 50g small dried anchovies
(*depends if you wanna add or not)

okey,here's the idea of preparing it:
1. put the chopped mackerel and lime juice in a bowl,then mix it up until the fish turned pale (it shows that the fish is well marinate).if necessary,add more lime juice..
2. now,if the fish is marinated enough,squeeze the hot chilies (of course using spoon) into the mixing..if you don't wanna make it too spicy,reduce the chillies.
3. add salt,the sliced gourd,and anchovies..make sure to soak the sliced gourd in a salted water about 2 hours before you put into the mixing to reduce the bitterness..
4. after all the ingredients are well combined, taste it..if the taste suits you,WELL DONE!! you just prepared a bowl of Hinava by yourself..simple right? :)

well,this is a photo that i took after i marinate my Hinava last thursday..if you ever try to prepare Hinava, i'm sure yours will look a bit like this too and let your tongue tell you the taste.. :) so,if you have any question of anything about this cuisine just leave a comment below..TTFN ^.^v

traditional Kadazan costume!!!

hello there..i'm back again. :) well holidays are not actual done yet coz everbody still enjoying their holidays while today is a working day for me.. :s so i called it friday bluess coz i'm not actually in a mood of working.haha..btw,i had a great time with my family while i'm off to my hometown last week.it was a blast.pluss we did celebrate my 2nd brother wedding reception at our house.yayy!!but its a bit late to celebrate in groom side due to some probs coz the actual wedding was about 8months ago..a wedding on the groom side often called 'babad' in my mother tongue.since we are Paparian (people lives/from a small town called Papar in Sabah,Malaysia) my family and i wore our traditional Kadazan costume while the family of the bride which from Penampang (also in Sabah) wore their's.they are Kadazan also..u see,there are diffrences between our race based on where we come from although we share the same title.the most common are from our language and the design of our traditional costume except for the men...anway,since i'm not really good in english,its quite hard for me to explain more about our race.. :( super sorrryyy,peeps..but here are some pictures that i manage cought on the babad celebration.. :)

the costume that my sisters wore (2 ladies from left) are the official costume for Kadazan Papar and the rest of them are from Penampang..ow,my 2nd brother is the man with the special hat at the center.. :)

me wearing our traditional costume.it was not the complete sets coz i suppose to wear our special hat which called 'sirung'..if u can see,there are 3 belts made from stainless steel+aluminum (if i'm not mistaken) that i wore almost throughout the babad.it was sooo heavy like i couldnt stand up.the belts also known as 'limpogot' and some says 'rupiah'..but its worth wearing this coz we only have the opportunity to wear our traditional costume for special events such as wedding and Pesta Kaamatan/Harvest Festival.there are rules of wearing the limpogot actually (based on what the woman who lend us the costumes says)..if u wear only 1 limpogot,thats mean you're widow..2 limpogots means you're married..and 3 limpogots means you're not-yet-married..thats why i wore 3 of 'em.. :)

ok thats all for now.wanna know more about this post or maybe our race&tradition?just leave a comment and i'll try to reply with better explanation.. :) by then,TTFN ^.^v