About Me

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sabah, Malaysia
A girl who have simple character in a very ordinary life.i'm not good in english,but i'm improving.. :) i love everything about my culture&others, plants, nature, photography, food&beverage, movies, and music.. so,i created this blog just to express my interest and hopefully u guys can share yours too.. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

sate + kuah kacang + nasi impit + cold cendol = super yummy!! :p

hye there..well,ok..2 times in a day.but u know what,i just can't get enough of thinking about sate since the last sentence for the last post.haha..sooo,for that,just after we cheak-out from clinic,we went to bazar ramadhan and bought some..just 10 pieces of 'em but better than nothing huh?the kuah kacang+nasi impit is a must to feel the heaven-o sensational of eating sate.. :) cold cendol with sweet coconat milk and gula melaka just taste great like speachless.haha..by the time i'm typing this,my stomach is about 2 inches front than usual..NO REGRETS!!! (sobbing but its ok,diet starts tomorrow!) ok,pictures time..these are the sate&cendol+some kiuh-muih that manage to ruin my on-diet programme..taste better in your tongue than in your eyes!! walllaaa..

ok,thats it.yeah,i know.traditional food for the next post right?marked..but maybe i wont be around for this 2 weeks ahead due to homwtown visit.yeah!!!at last,i've been waiting like 3 months to be there with my beloved family.anway,TTFN.. ^.^v

COOLleagues matters!!

buka puasa with collegues last monday was a blast for me.yeah,a bit late to post this but who's count anyway?hehe..i'm that kind of person who tries to reduce fat recently (yeah right) but those dishes really cant take my temptation away...owh,nasi impit+kuah kacang will definitely my favvveeeeyy dish of all but too bad they didnt serve it together with sate..although some say sate may cause us liver problem but ok,dont lie.EVERYBODY lovessss sate.i mean super everyone,right? :) ...and the best dessert of all is the sago gula melaka cooked with macaroni and creamy sweet corn..sluurrrpp!! ow,no!!!my saliva like drippings from my open mouth now.haha..apparently,i should apologise coz i didn't took any pictures of the dishes.. =.= but,i do captured some of my collegues's react in front of a bunch of foods..hehe i've captured a load of 'em but i only gonna post 1 pict.. :)

ok,thats all for now..i will post something about traditional food for the next post..TTFN.. ^.^v

Monday, August 22, 2011

wishlist awesome+stunning gown!

these are some of my must have gown before i turn 30.haha..perhaps i don't really love dresses but these one just look gorgeous in my eyes.i'm not really sure what kind of body shape do i have but an A shape gown/dress will definitely helps me look more slim..(errr,i guess so.. :p ) ow,i do not own any of these.just found in internet and post it here..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

after 7 months 15 days??????

its been awhile i didnt write anything here..phewww,where did i've been?anyway,form now on,i'll try to keep this blog up-to-date and post something interesting on it.some kind like pictures,songs,videos,etc..but before that,how did other bloggers got their cute layout?arrggh,out for a research.. @.@